Ruined our hunt


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Had a friend out from Indiana and we have been trying to chase a Mountain Lion here west of Tucson, we have been seeing sign from. We had been hunting in the mornings and not seeing anything so we decided to try an afternoon hunt till sunset. Got to the spot and we were sitting up close to the top of a peak about 50’ off the desert floor And watching it and ridges. Gets right to prime time and I catch movement, 4 illegals are coming through the cactus and cover about 100 yards from us. They were wearing full camo and the carpet shoes covers, with their gallon black water jugs. No weapons were seen, but never know? I was using a hand call sense I left my electronic call at home on the charger by accident. They had heard me, and duct behind some cover when I noticed them. Then they started to move again, we noted their direction and while we were leaving we saw Border Patrol that was just putting up a drone about a mile away from where we encountered them, we stopped and informed him of the 4 and there location and direction. He radioed into another spotting station to be on look out in direction they were moving. We were about 40 miles from border so they had been at their walk for a while. People in the non border States don’t understand the trash and concern of people coming across the border. I hope we get a President elected that will take the border serious. Normally where I set hunting coyotes they would have been in my lap coming through.
Wonder why the camo and track busters? They must not know about the Biden/Obama catch and release regulations, or have known past criminal status possibly just run of the mill terrorists Biden is being paid to let in.
Hunting along our southern border can get interesting at times. You should try wandering around the back roads in a van. I got stopped six times one day, been surrounded with guns drawn while eating lunch at a remote stock tank.

South of Tucson got in the middle of an illegal round up. Having a Huey just above the tree tops really messes up a stand.

One sheriff deputy told me if I was hunting along the border I needed more than my drilling in a back scabbard while out in the bush, now I pack a Glock along the border. He also said that a lot of times they will have an over watch in the hills with a high power rifle while the drug mules travel in the lower elevation.

All the BP that have stopped me have been really nice, I actually feel safer hunting down here than in WA with remote meth labs and grow operations in remote areas. The usual comment is "A F------- coyote hunter" and then they tell me where they see coyotes while patrolling.

I've even seen armoured cars on hilltops and ground radar watching the border. Now if we could get more proactive in the really hot spots.
15 MILLION since Biden was elected.
312,000 per state. 2020 election decided by 30,000 votes. Dems pushing for illegals voting and counted in the census(house reps based on population in district) what do YOU think this is about. That's why they were "moved" to New York, Chicago and other locations, increasing the disparity in representation between rural America and fraudulent/corrupt metropolitan areas is a GAME plan for democrats seeking to destroy the constitutional republic. I made it easy to understand.
Illegal immigration has been going on for a long time along the S. TX border. For the past 20 years, one of the ranches I have hunted is an old Spanish land grant that is a mile wide, starts at the Rio Grande and runs 14 miles to the north and is intersected by a 4 lane divided highway near the river and a gravel county road about 7 miles north. There has always been sign left by illegals passing through, mostly in the night. Have had them approach asking for water. One day, a pair responded to Lightning Jack then asked for a ride north. On another occasion we were calling the east fence a few hundred yards north of the expressway when we heard voices; shortly thereafter three border patrolmen approached across the fence heading north. I don't think they ever saw us (in full camo w/face masks & gloves) as they passed. Wasn't long before a Huey orbited overhead at treetop level. Pretty sure they must have seen my red jeep in the brush a few hundred yards to our west. Figuring it was unlikely that a coyote would be interested in our rabbit w/all the commotion, we eased out and moved a couple miles north to a cross fence and set up facing north at a cattle guard 0 yards or so west of the east fence.

Picture from another hunt, but same setup. Not too long after we set up, we heard voices again, coming from the south. Those fellows were in darn good shape, they covered a lot of distance in little time, especially in the near 100* August heat. We were snuggled up in the bushes @ yellow X. When they were about 20 yards away, figured we should make our presence known. Don't remember what I said, but it obviously took them by surprise. We exchanged pleasantries and I offered them some water. The OIC (couldn't make out his rank), quickly replied no and they proceeded straight up the road, we were watching, spoiling a 2nd stand.

We picked up and moved a mile or two north again, thinking we had time for a quick stand before they got there. Sure enough two of them showed up, don't know where the OIC was, but I asked again if they wanted water and they quickly replied affirmative! Offered them a ride north, as we were still nearly 3 miles from the county road to the north and they said that someone was going to pick them up and headed north again, all the while the Huey was still orbiting, but probably a half mile to the east of our property line.

We gave up and went to the north pasture after that.

Those were the good old days, illegal traffic across the border has exploded in recent years; haven't been able to hunt in over a year and cannot imagine what its like up there now.
America will not survive 4 more years of Biden. The collective insanity of Western leaders are doing everything they can to bring about our destruction via war, illegal immigration, and demoralization of our society.

I used to fear a financial collapse. Now, I believe it is the only thing that can save us.
even IF we can stop the invasion of the border I don't know how in God's name we can turn it around. The Marxists ideology running thru the heads of so many, I can't even begin to relate. We're in uncharted waters with HUGE icebergs, there goes the Titanic
I had incident with some guy last week off Willow Springs Road north of Tuscon. I was all set up about hour before sunset when some guy comes down power line trail to my location windows down and loud music playing. He then pulls along side my truck walks around it I don't know if he is going to break in or what. I am about 150 yards out and had just started calling prior to his arrival . (actually had couple different coyote locations respond.) Not good there goes my game plan. I want him to know where I am so I yell out from where I am at to get away from my truck. He then said I am trespassing , I respond not so I am on State Trust Land I have my Onyx on. He then ask what is Onyx I said GPS with land owner info. I think he is going to leave and I sit back down next this guy fires 2 shots my direction with hand gun. I get up and tell him I am calling sheriff out he claims he shot in ground and as an American it his right to practice with his gun here. Maybe but not here I respond no target shooting on state trust lands Calling Sheriff out. he leaves before I get back to truck. I can not believe some of these Idiots we now have in this country. This is sign on entrance to trail I was on. I love hunting but this kind o crap takes all the enjoyment out of it. And no he was not a Illegal and I am a 68 year old American veteran. I don't need him spoiling my rights to hunt.


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I get a number of ranchers tell me I'm trespassing. I politely tell them that I have BLM maps, a GPS with public lands on it and we can pull up the county assessor website and see who's paying the taxes. Surprisingly a number of them are impressed with how hard I try and stay off lands that arent public that I get permission to hunt coyotes on their deeded land.

If you wander around the back country enough and leave your vehicle unattended your going to run into some of the countries under belly.

I had an experience with three rather undesirable people up near Alamo Lake NW of Wickenberg. There excuse was they were looking for firewood, odd the greasewood was about knee high. They were looking in the windows of my van. The drilling was in my hands and Trooper (German wirehair)was heeling alongside me. They got in their truck and left with no problems.

Now range cows are different story, one smashed a window on my van south of Three Points and another pair got much more belligerent and we came very close to gunfire up near the Vulture mine. I never figure who they hated more me or Trooper. Arizona is a strange place sometimes. I do enjoy hunting there though.

To bad we had so much trouble with Bunny Huggers, it was a great place for the PM convention.
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Isaiah 1:4-7

Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment. Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.

Brace for impact. This was written 2700 years ago about a nation once blessed by God who turned their back on him. America has done the same thing.
I was bowhunting once in a national forest, sitting in a tree stand and maybe 80-100 yards off a dirt road. A guy comes driving up the road and sees me in the stand. He stopped adjacent to me, looked at me and began blowing his car horn and just being a pain. I was concerned he might even shoot since I was venerable sitting up in the tree. After several seconds of his annoyance I started climbing down the tree. He took off. Coward. I went to my truck that was parked alongside the road a distance from my stand, hunt over, angry and considering that he might decide to return for an encore or worse. Thankfully he didn’t, but I had more than a bow in my hand that time. You can never tell about some of these idiots.
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