Board upgrade

Soon come

First rollout will be bland as all the work has been going into moving & not theme/appearance. It will be a work in progress for a bit
I have been kind of in waiting mode myself. I've got some calls made up to post up for sale when the transition happens. And a few videos I need to get up, but been to dang busy to get them edited. Got a couple nights of freezing weather here though so hopefully fixing to get out and start killing some coyotes now that mosquitoes will be gone! I'll try and do better at getting things posted.
I apologize that it is taking so long. It sure as heck wasn't supposed to. But, here we are, and it's not done yet. And I'm not going to try and say when, anymore, I've been wrong too many times already.

What I can say, absolutely, is it is being worked on every day and every day is bringing us closer. It feels real close. But, I've felt that way before and been wrong. It's going to happen. I think soon. But I can't say for sure how soon. Could be this week, could be next week.

I understand how hard it must be, from systems that old, with no clear way from here to there. I commend you guys for keeping after it, every day, moving forward.
We appreciate you guys hanging in here!

As late as it is in getting done, we're going to just rip the bandaid off and go live as soon as possible. Like Stu mentioned, that means the new board is going to be very plain jane right out of the gate. But I'd rather just get it up and running and work out the kinks going forward from there, than to spend more time perfecting it.

This site is so outdated that we have to migrate twice, as there is no direct way to make the move to the software we want.

Once from here to another platform. There is support for migrating from that one to the new one, so we use that as an intermediate step & then make the 2nd jump to the real destination.
We've got new servers up. We'll be moving this old site to the new servers probably in the next day or two. There will be an outage of maybe an hour while that is happening.

Next step after that is the final migration and going live on the new platform.

Just got an update from our programmer. Looks like tomorrow we'll be moving this old site to the new server. A copy and paste of the message I just got below. Note, the forum is on right now, so that is what will get moved tomorrow. But when all is said and done, the new site will be simply The old url will redirect, so existing bookmarks will still work, it won't be anything anyone needs to adjust for. But we thought the shorter, more direct url for the forum would be a better way to go forward.

Anyway, the message I just got:

--------------- is now live on your new server!
Tomorrow I'll get the forum moved. Things are moving fast now!


Like the man said, things are moving fast now! I'm pretty dang amped up for it!

No, we aren't... And this is so perfectly, precisely, exactly typical of how this whole project has gone, that at this point, all I can do is laugh it off. I'll paste in the latest from our developer below. He explains the problem we're having right now perfectly - and it's completely out of our control, as usual.

I have actually come to just expect stuff like this to happen...




For the 2nd day in a row, Cloudflare has had issues
Their network is up, but the data center that handles account login is down. I've tried it every few hows and it persists. The login page comes up, but I can never log in.

Its weird, they are the single largest network in the world, with incredible reliability, and a single data center outage brings down all their customer's ability to make changes!


As soon as the status changes, I'll get this done!

BTW... I have to take classes on internet security best practices as part of my job. One of the tenets of best practice for security is to isolate authorization from applications. So it actually does make sense that a single point of failure is causing this.

Originally Posted By: Stu FarishTo err is human but to really muck things up you need a high speed computer

Trust me, Stu, it doesn't even need to be high speed.

Got this old board moved to the new server. But it doesn't even want to run on the new hardware. It's just too old to work with supported versions of the framework it's built on.

So, we're going to go for it tomorrow. Do the final migration and switch. Not sure how long it will take, or how smooth it will go. But the plan is to make the move tomorrow.

Wish us luck! And say goodbye to this rickety old forum. It's going to be gone for good, soon.

Right on. I like the “just rip the band aid off” approach. If it is going to be rough anyways, might as well just get it over with, lol.