Removing Foxcast sequences


Active member
Does anybody know how to remove Foxcast sequences from a caller/remote? I made a bunch of sequences for my Fusion when I first got it but never really stuck with the idea of using sequences. Since then Ive added and removed sounds and rearranged categories so the old sequences are now just a jumbled up mess of nonsense. I just cleared my Fusion of all sounds and added the exact sound list I’m using on my X2S and setup my categories exactly the same as well. After downloading the new caller files to the remote, somehow the remote still wants to use the old presets and the Foxcast sequences are still in there. The presets are simple enough to get straight, but for the life of me I cannot remove the Foxcast sequences. I’ve got an email in to FoxPro but figured I’d ask here as well. Any help is appreciated.
Well if ever anybody has the same question, here’s Foxpro’s reply…

“Thanks for contacting us. To remove sequences, you can simply delete them from the caller via file explorer (the application that opens immediately connecting your caller to the computer). They can be located at the bottom of the list in the “sounds” folder.. If you need additional help, it might be best to contact us at your earliest convenience. We can be reached at 717-248-2507, option 2. “

Really simple process. I just assumed it needed to be handled through the Foxpro Programming Software.
You want to be using their software when you delete or add sounds. On my inferno I will add sounds through the interface cable and then I need to sync with my remote. Only then will the sounds be added and removed properly.
Yeah, I’m very familiar with adding and removing sounds, setting up categories, etc. Super familiar in fact! I’ve been using the Foxpro programming software for a bunch of years now. You cannot however use it to remove sound sequences that were added to the callers. That needs to be done as explained in my second post which was from Foxpro directly.