Predator Masters

Stu Farish
News & Politics Forum

I'm a software developer, been at that since 1982. Prior to that I was in computer operations in the Air Force. I currently write object-oriented programs in C++ for Windows NT platforms.

I'm primarily a big game hunter, mostly deer, but also enjoy predator, varmint, small game and bird hunting. Having recently relocated to Alabama, I'm looking forward to tapping into the local predator hunting action. We have plenty of fox, coyotes and bobcats in the area, as well as deer, turkey and hogs on the big game side.

I have a grown stepson who lives in TN and doesn't get to hunt enough, and a teenage daughter at home who's developing a strong interest in hunting now. I'm setting up a new rifle for her to hunt with this year, a Model 70 with BOSS chambered in 25-06, so we look forward to her first deer this fall.

I am what could be called a Constitutional Constructionist and I get real annoyed with people who want to ignore the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. I am constantly engaged in combating such people. I'd me mighty pleased to have your help.

I moderate the Big Game and News & Politics forums. Stop by and visit, pull up a stump and set a spell.






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