Predator Masters

Mike Granger
Predator Masters
Wildlife Biologist

Age - 43
True Texan (Born in Amarillo)
Married for 20+ years with 3 wonderful kids.
Occupation: I have worked for the Federal Government for over 20 years in Oklahoma, Arizona, Alaska and Montana as a Biologist and Fire Management Officer. I earned a Masters Degree in Wildlife Biology from a wonderful University in West Texas (Sul Ross). Currently my job requires I travel all over the country fighting large forest fires as a member of a National Type I Incident Management Team.

My earliest recollections of hunting are of me and my daisy BB gun tormenting the local avian populations, spending literally hundreds of hours in the woods and rummaging up just enough money to buy more BB's. I trapped my first coyote while in High School and vividly remember the first coyote I ever called in. I've hunted coyotes in Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, wolves in Alaska (didn't have coyotes where I lived on the Yukon River) Wyoming, North Dakota, Montana and Canada. My early days as a biologist required I conduct predator control operations by trapping and shooting coyotes from helicopters. I studied and wrote my Masters Thesis on Grey Fox Home Range and Behavior while in graduate school. I've darted, captured and studied wolves, polar bears, moose, lynx, black bear and deer.

Calling coyotes has been a passion of mine for over twenty years. My greatest accomplishment to date has been seeing my son take up hunting and watching his interest grow in hunting activities. I firmly believe the legacy we leave will be dependant upon the generations that follow us. The sport as we know it can be lost in just one generation!

My other interests are all kinds of hunting, especially primitive bowhunting, woodworking and snowboarding.

I have a strong faith in God, love my wife and children and plan on chasing coyotes to the last horizon.



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